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How Cars24 simplified its marketing campaigns using Servetel’s missed call solutions

The used car industry in India was a widely disorganised sector. It took the entrance of OEMs and e-commerce platforms for the industry to streamline. Initially, buyers and sellers would trade cars through mechanics and garage owners. But, companies like Cars24, brought in the capability of e-commerce and positioned themselves as the middleman to trade used cars. India has seen this industry grow at a massive rate, leading to increased affordability and lifestyle of the consumers.

The Problem

Cars24, the leading e-commerce platform for used cars, was looking to streamline its advertising strategy.

While the company had dedicated marketing agencies to run its multiple advertising campaigns, it was difficult to track and measure ROI for each of them.

Each agency is given a different advertising agenda and, of course, different geographical locations to cater to.

Cars24 was looking for a centralised and holistic solution to manage each of these agencies, their campaigns and to track their performance.

The Solution

Servetel offered a solution that was scalable and flexible—a missed call solution with multiple virtual numbers.

Each virtual number is dedicated to one marketing agency or an ad campaign

Cars24, currently, has 37 virtual numbers from Servetel with missed call packages for each

The objective is to generate leads. The more missed calls they receive, the more efficient that campaign is

The Result

With Servetel’s missed call solution at the helm of their ad campaigns, Cars24 is now able to track and access all metrics with utmost ease.

They can easily supervise marketing campaigns, track ROI and generate feedback if needed

Each of their missed call numbers offers an average of 7000+ quality leads

The solution is free of cost to customers, attracting them to make the call

The power-packed solution has given Cars24 more control over their ad campaigns and better management of their customer data.




Automobile / Ecommerce

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Services used

Missed Call
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