How can You Outperform Your Competitors with Cloud Telephony?

The competition in the business landscape is growing at a breakneck pace and survival is becoming tougher than ever. Unless you are far better than the rivals, you cannot expect to survive, sustain and grow. One aspect of running your business that you cannot afford to go slack with is communication. Communicating seamlessly with your […]

How can Toll Free Numbers Boost Your Business?

Toll free numbers are telephone numbers that are charged for all received calls, instead of a service provider billing the caller. First seen in the 1950s and 1960s in North America and Great Britain, toll free numbers were invented to combat the exorbitant pricing faced by a consumer when they are attempting long distance calls […]

Top 10 Benefits of Voice Broadcasting for a Business [Infographic]

Voice broadcasting is a technique that enables businesses automate their calling process. This technique of reaching potential and existing customers through recorded voice messages is also known as call blasting. The infographic below explains the top 10 benefits of using voice broadcasting for businesses in India. Let’s understand the benefits in detail. 1) Wider target […]

Unlock Sales Opportunities for Your Business With Missed Call Service

The business landscape is growing more competitive with every passing day, making survival and growth a challenge. Unless you think beyond the ordinary, you cannot expect the customers to choose you over the other businesses offering similar products and services. Essentially, your sales greatly depend on the way you approach the potential customers because the […]

6 Unconventional Business Uses of Toll-Free Solution

Seamless communication with customers is essential to running a business successfully. Therefore, being available and connected always is imperative and you have to make it a priority, regardless of the size and nature of your business. A toll free number solution is perhaps the smartest multichannel communication platform to invest in because it enables the customers […]

Top 9 Reasons Why IVR Is A Must Have For Businesses

In the present times, small businesses have a long way to go ahead in the competitive landscape, considering the daunting competition they face and the budget constraints they have to deal with. Seamless communication with the customers is the single most important factor that can help them gain the winning advantage. Being always connected and […]

Number Masking: What, Where and How

Privacy can no longer be taken for granted. From a call to a pizza delivery company to tip-off helplines, citizens are growing more wary about their personal information with every passing day, regardless of the intent of those on the receiving end. They want security, and they want it now. Businesses, too, must understand a […]

What to Expect From Cloud Telephony in the Coming Times?

The ease and comfort of present times is testimony to the remarkable change different kinds of technology has brought into our lives. Cloud telephony, also known as hosted telephony is one such service that has added a whole new dimension to businesses. This is a voice and messaging service that was established to replace the […]