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Cloud Telephony

How To Expand Your Online Business In The Global Market

The advent of the world wide web in the 90s opened a new way of doing business. With the launch of several online businesses, customers began preferring the relative ease and flexibility of interacting with businesses online.  Today, almost all businesses are online—from service to e-commerce. This resultant clutter makes it difficult for an upcoming […]

How Automated Cloud-Based Customer Surveys can benefit your Business

Customer surveys help businesses collect crucial real-time feedback from their target audience. Regular feedback collection lets businesses make important changes to products and services and align them with buyer expectations. This results in a seamless customer experience and a strong competitive edge. According to American Express, customers are usually willing to spend as much as 17% more on a […]

Empower Your B2B Sales with Cloud Telephony. Here’s How

“B2B or business-to-business buyers don’t go to work and forget what they do as humans. There’s a new normal that blurs the line between B2B and B2C. They just want things personalised,” says Brian Solis, principal analyst and author of Altimeter Group. Well, it’s no secret that buyers today expect solutions curated especially for them. […]

Here’s How You Can Deal with the Changing Consumer Behaviours in the Post-Pandemic World

Shifting Consumer Behaviours: What Can Businesses Do Differently? The COVID-19 pandemic has toppled our economy. Several small businesses had to go off the market and even corporate giants had a tough time maintaining their bottom line. The lengthy spans of social distancing, quarantine and lockdowns also altered consumer habits. Now, businesses that aim to return […]

The Cloud Telephony Tools that can Prevent Buyer’s Remorse

Buyer’s remorse is a salesperson’s worst nightmare. What exactly is it, though? In simple terms, buyer’s remorse is the feeling of regret that a customer experiences after making a purchase, usually a major or expensive one. Buyer’s remorse can strike the customer at any time: right after the purchase is made, a few days later […]

3 Ways the BFSI Sector can Offer Enhanced Personalisation

Almost every industry today has adopted different kinds of personalised approaches in how it communicates with its customers. Some of the major reasons that prevented companies from fully embracing different facets of personalised customer communication earlier were data privacy concerns, traditionally implemented systems with minimal automation, etc. However, as far as personalisation in the communication process is concerned, a survey from Accenture reports that […]

How are Influencers and Instagram Businesses Leveraging Cloud Telephony Solutions?

For marketers, the thrill to create compelling and persuasive content that your audience waits for and follows religiously is unmatchable. It is also the goal of every influencer in the influencer marketing domain. Let’s look at some interesting Instagram facts before we move on to understanding how Instagram can help influencers. 1 billion-plus users join […]

The Future of Sales and the Role of Cloud Telephony

The sales profession is in a deep state of flux. It’s transitioning to a digital-first approach from an offline, seller-driven approach, with the focus moving firmly to the buyer. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly played its part in this shift, accelerating the digitisation of all things and effectively, revolutionising the nature of communications. To thrive after disruption of that […]