Overview: Toll Free Number

In the era of instant gratification, connectivity with your customers is perhaps the most significant aspect of running a business successfully. It becomes all the more important to be always available to the customers because of the booming competition in the enterprise landscape. If you are not there for them, even the most loyal customers will not take a moment to switch to another alternative. Hence, businesses must invest in all the connectivity tools that are available. A toll free number is a tool that keeps you ahead on this front. Before understanding the value of this business investment, you need to comprehend exactly what it is and how it works.

What are toll free numbers?

A toll-free number, as the name suggests, is a phone number that allows the callers to connect with a business without having to pay for the call. The call charges are borne by the business itself. This number is identified by a prefix number (such as 800, 866, 855 and 1-800) which is unique to a specific geographic area code.

Toll free numbers are commonly used for customer-service calls. By enabling this service, businesses offer the customers a free and convenient means to connect with them. Moreover, it serves as an indispensable asset that helps enterprises establish long-term relationships with the customers and grow over time. Further, it presents them as a professional brand that is willing to go the extra mile to serve its customers. Hence, there is more than one reason why a business should collaborate with a toll free provider and get started with this service.

How do toll free numbers work?

When it comes to understanding the working of a toll free number, there are two aspects to consider. Firstly, you need to know how customers can use the number to connect with the business. Essentially, this is the non-technical side that is important for the layman. As an organisation, you will publicize your toll free number as a part of your promotional campaign. These are the campaigns that a business runs for branding itself so that the customers know how and where they can connect with it. An existing or potential customer who wants to reach out will dial this number. The motivation behind the call is that they can connect without having to pay for the call.

On the technical side, you need to understand how this number serves your business. The toll free number provider gives you a number where the customers can call you and get an automated message. These calls can also be forwarded to local lines, so that your reps may answer (in case of voice calls) on your own landline or cellphone. This service can be helpful for businesses that do not have resources for setting up their call centers or dedicated answering services, but still want to be available to their customers.

How a toll free number can empower your business?

Any customer-facing company can derive immense benefits from a toll free number. Verticals such as healthcare, hospitality, e-commerce, education, and travel, in particular, find great benefits in this service as they need to run helplines for after-service support.  Since the service is effective and affordable, you can expect it to deliver high ROI for your business. Here are the comprehensive benefits that this investment can serve for your organisation.

Strong industry presence:

Having this asset for your company allows you to strengthen your industry presence. Whether you want to reach out to the local audience base or want to target the group that prefers corporate image, this is an excellent way to connect. Obviously, your existing and potential customers are not likely to miss your business if it is available across this popular communication channel.

Brand recall:

Since customers are overloaded with information, it is good to have a business asset with recall value. For example, a toll free number in India comes with a prefix “1800”, which means that it is easy to associate this number with the country. The remaining seven digits are unique to your brand and users may soon recognize and remember it with some smart advertising.


Apart from serving brand recall for your business, t It adds a professional value to your brand image, which obviously makes it trustworthy. Moreover, you get a competitive edge because your competitors will probably have toll free numbers as well.

Customer satisfaction:

Being accessible and available for the customers is the best way to drive customer satisfaction and this is exactly what a toll free number does for your business. The fact that you are willing to spend for offering them free connectivity shows a genuine intention to go the extra mile for better service delivery. Moreover, the ease of reaching the business without having to dial different numbers makes it a great way to enhance customer satisfaction.

Marketing tool:

Toll free phone number acts as a powerful marketing tool for driving business campaigns and tracking their ROI as well. You can create extensions with this number and link each one to a particular campaign. This enables you to run different ads across different channels and assess their ROI individually.


Moving your business to a new location is not a concern when you have toll free numbers in place. Your location does not matter because customers will be able to find you with these numbers, regardless of where your physical location is. This means that you can maintain relationships with the customers anywhere, even if you move across the globe.

Ready to get started!!

Now that you understand that the effective utilisation of a toll free number can make a huge difference to your business, you need to get started right now. And if you have already done it, now is the time to reassess the value that the service is delivering to your business and to realign if you are not getting the desired results. The most important thing to do is to ensure that the provider you choose is reliable and offers the right services. A provider that promises the best-in-class services along with an uninterrupted uptime assurance would be the best choice. Also, check their market reputation and pricing packages.

If you are looking for a toll free number provider you can trust to keep your business always connected, Servetel is a name to rely on. Being one of the leaders in the landscape, it offers best-in-class services that have the potential to take your business to the top.

Want an Indian toll free number? Call us at 1800-120-4132 today!