IVR: The Perfect Solution to Enhance Your Customer Experience

The world has been constantly moving towards automation and sophisticated telecommunication services. So, having its own Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service for telecommunication gives each business an upper hand in this competitive world. IVR is an automated call response system which provides the customer with a user-friendly experience while contacting a business. Excellent customer service is one of the essential prerequisites for a business to run successfully.

IVR-The Best Solution for Large Customer Base

As a business expands its franchise, products and services, it is natural that the customer circle also expands. Each customer has varied queries about different departments, products and services. For example, a person running a business in electronics may have customers of varied age having queries in varied fields such as computers, television sets, smartphones, etc. By creating an automated telephone number with IVR service helps the business to segregate the group of customers based on their field of query.

24/7 Access

One of the most valuable benefits of having an IVR system is that it is available round the clock on all days, even on weekends.

Moreover, it doesn’t require man force to be physically present to ensure the customer queries are being attended. So, it reduces labour costs and increases the accessibility for customers. The system also has the option to play a recorded message during non-business hours to make sure the customers don’t get annoyed due to the lack of support team. Also, the business can put up important announcements or attractive offers while the customer is being routed to an agent, in turn, increasing the sales profit of the organization.

Provides Human Touch

Although the IVR service has a recorded voice carrying out all the functions throughout the call, the customer can opt to seek support from live agents. A part of the customer base will look forward to talking to the agents in real-time.


Press 1 to get information on your available balance

Press 2 to get information on value-added services

Press 3 for issues on recharges

Press 9 to get in touch with the technical support team to resolve your issue

Breaks linguistic barriers

With each country having so many multilingual speakers over the world, it is beneficial to have an IVR service which provides the customers to choose their language of choice. It not only helps the customer to understand the options provided by the company but also creates a comfortable environment for the customer to interact. Often, explaining their queries in their mother tongue brings better clarity to the live agents.

Easily Customizable

Having said the benefits of having your IVR, it is also equally important to customize the system based on the needs of the customers. Customization helps solve the issues of misinterpretation and miscommunications. For Example, if you are running a salon business, you can probably have an IVR system with various grooming options for men, women or suggestions from experts.

Enhances Customer Experience

One of the biggest boons of having this system is that it doesn’t test the customer patience by interacting with sloppy receptionists who often misinterpret and fail to understand what the customer wants. As a result, it is not just the call duration that extends but also exhausts the patience level of the customer, ultimately making them disappointed.

Upgraded Business Performance

Having a professional computerized voice talking to customers in the most executive tone enhances the reputation and standards of any company. The customers get a brighter picture of the organization, making it globally competitive. Bringing out a customer-centric system helps the firm perform better.

Voice Out In Your Way

Thanks to the introduction of Artificial intelligence and Voice recognition techniques, now the automated call response system or Interactive Voice Response system can even recognize and interpret the customer’s voice.  The customer can voice out their queries, and the system interface recognizes the words and directs them to the relevant department. As the conversations are recorded, the system makes it easy for the business to set up a database of the customer queries, which in turn helps agents to analyze the issues.

Easy Feedback System

The company can also provide a short feedback system to get inputs from customers through ratings or polls to analyze and improve its existing strategy. Besides this, the firm can also market their products through these surveys.


Thank you for using our service. What type of combo will you recommend your friend?

Press 1 for Mexican chilli cheese combo

Press 2 for Spicy Indiana masala combo

Press 3 for Italian sweet and tangy combo

The Right Hands

The IVR system can be used for a wide range of business ventures like a 24*7 doctor help in hospitals. With an IVR system requesting the patient details and the illness, thereby directing it to the specialized doctor for further appointment. It can also be used by restaurants to book accommodations and also to order a menu based on availability.

Although IVR system is the best solution to enhance customer satisfaction, it is in the hands of the entrepreneur holding the business to mould it as per the company needs.

If you are looking for an IVR solution for your business, feel free to contact Servetel at 1800-120-4132.