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Sumit Patel

Sumit Patel is an enthusiast who has a flair for ever changing technology and loves to share his insights with all. He is currently working at Servetel a leading company that provides cloud telephony services in India. He always strives to contribute quality research which is instrumental for a tech-seeker. Other than being an articulate writer, he is also a voracious reader and is an expert at establishing and maintaining public relations. Know more about him:Linkedin Twitter Facebook

Comparison between On-premise and Cloud Telephony

One of the biggest dilemmas that companies face while setting up a new business revolves around the choice of a communication system. They can choose an on-premise or cloud telephony system to facilitate communication. Yet, few companies in the market are still evaluating the pros & cons of both the communication platforms. In this blog, […]

Benefits of Voice Broadcasting Solution for Education Industry

Voice calls play a crucial role in various sectors like education, e-commerce, healthcare, business, politics, and more. It is one of the best ways to communicate with your audience and broadcast your message. Voice broadcasting is a mass communication technique that broadcasts your message over the phone to thousands of call recipients at a single […]

How Cloud Telephony Can Help Start-ups Save Money

Going by the study, There are 150 million start-ups in the world today with 50 million new start-ups launching every year. On average, there 137,000 start-ups emerging every day. These numerals are hard to believe and are massive by any standards. When we talk about start-ups, the first thing that comes in our mind is […]