Deliver Excellent Customer Support Every Time with Voicebots

The more we innovate, the more customers expect smoother and simpler shopping experiences.

They want nothing but instant gratification, and brands need to be able to deliver on this front. Businesses must keep reinventing their customer communication and support strategies to match expectations effectively.

As digital-savvy users rely greatly on technology for self-service, businesses look for solutions that are capable of providing them rapid yet personalised experiences. Voicebots emerge as winners in this regard. They replace human support and communication executives to interact with customers. These smart virtual assistants are also more cost-effective and efficient.

Voicebots can be made a part of the telephone interface to enhance the customer experience you deliver. Alternatively, you can use them as a part of your contact centre, help desk or IVR, depending on the needs of the organisation. Before delving deeper into the concept of voicebots empowering customer support operations for a business, it becomes imperative to understand the technology and how it works.

What is a Voicebot?

Essentially, a voicebot is a computer program capable of simulating human conversation by leveraging artificial intelligence technology. For example, if a customer sends across a service inquiry via IVR, a voicebot will interpret the message and provide an instant response to resolve the issue. It is a software-based alternative to human customer support and may actually take over their role in the future. Embracing voicebots, therefore, as a part of their cloud communication solutions is imperative for businesses that want to get future-ready.

While both voicebots and chatbots are virtual agents, the inherent difference lies in the channel of interaction. While chatbots interact with the users through email, messaging, social network or specialised chat applications, voicebots take things to the next level. They leverage high-end technologies such as speech recognition, natural language processing and artificial intelligence.

Benefits of Voicebots for Businesses

Clearly, a voicebot is an innovation that all businesses should consider investing in because it can deliver myriad benefits. Here are some ways it can empower your cloud  communication solutions.

A Logical Alternative for Customers

Voicebot support serves as a logical use case for today’s consumer. They prefer self-service and, thus, would rather deal with brands that offer the same. The reason is simple––either they want to resolve their issues quickly or get an immediate response when they contact the business. A voicebot can help a company on both fronts.

Customers appreciate personalised services. Considering their intelligence and understanding of caller expectations, voicebots can conduct conversations and interactions based on customer preferences. It means great things for businesses that want to go one step ahead with better and more personalised customer experiences.

Increased Efficiency Through Automation

Even as businesses aspire to provide optimum customer support over the phone, several challenges stand in the way. More often than not, limited resource planning keeps them from improving effectively.

An organisation may not be able to scale up when they need to or upskill their current support staff. Automation helps businesses achieve targets by solving these challenges for them.

Needless to say then, voicebots make a wise investment. They take over the customer support function and take over the mundane tasks such as identity authentication, retrieving the details, resetting passwords and more. The best part? They’re data-driven and not guided by guesswork, which means seamless and accurate interactions always.

Better Service Quality with Reduced Waiting Times

When it comes to customer interactions, business owners may have apprehensions regarding cloud communication automation. What they don’t know is that voicebots not only enhance quality, they also reduce the waiting times for callers.

And given that modern-day customers are hard-pressed for time, they’re bound to be looking for quick query resolution. Given a choice between waiting for minutes to speak to a human executive and interacting with a virtual assistant straightaway, a majority of customers will probably opt for the latter.

All that matters is that you offer swift support. And if the bot is smart enough with its responses, customers may not even be able to tell the difference.

Seamless and Natural Conversational Interfaces

Thanks to technological advancements in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, voicebots are smarter than ever. They’re capable of mimicking the speech nuances of humans, they understand what customers are saying, and offer contextual recommendations and solutions.

Callers need not handle vast language menus any longer or select keywords to make things clear for the bot. No matter what the customers have to say, your voicebot can understand them and respond just as a human support assistant would. This simplicity results in excellent customer experiences that are bound to make your brand a winner.

Widespread Adoption and Easy Implementation

With Siri and Alexa leading the way, voice assistants are fast becoming a worldwide phenomenon. They’ve become a part of everyone’s daily lives and consumers are more than happy to accept them for support functions. The fact that voice assistants are far more intuitive than any other form of human-machine interface is cherry on top.

Another factor that makes them a wise choice for businesses looking to elevate cloud communication is easy implementation. You don’t have to spend a fortune on integrating one into your IVR system and cloud telephony set-up. Rather, you have the option to collaborate with a reputed provider that offers affordable yet effective services.

What Next- Quick Wins with Voicebots

Now that the benefits of embracing a voicebot are evident, you may want to implement one sooner rather than later. Remember, everything boils down to creating quick wins for your brand with their implementation. Fortunately, there are multiple areas of customer service that you can explore in this context.

These include frequently asked questions, checking account balance, providing status or news updates, facilitating bill payments and more. Voicebots are all set to play a vital role in the future of customer support and service, so no business can afford to miss out on them. If you haven’t embraced them yet, now is the best time to do it. Call us at 1800-120-4132 to get started.